The world of Hollywood is one that has been surrounded by glitz and glamor for many years. While we see movies and TV shows as mere entertainment, what goes on behind the scenes is a complex web of actors, producers, and investors working to create magic on screen.
When it comes to the investment side, in recent years, private equity firms have found their way into Hollywood, with many of them doubling down on investments in everything from talent agencies to production entities.
Now, let’s go ahead and take a closer look at the rise of private equity in Hollywood and how they are changing the game.
Finding a Way Into Hollywood: Private Equity Firms’ First Entry
At first, private equity firms found their way into Hollywood through talent agencies. One of the biggest players in this game is TPG, which owns a majority stake in the talent agency CAA. Additionally, Silverlake is the largest external shareholder in the parent company of another large talent agency, Endeavor.
By investing in these agencies, the private equity firms were able to get their foot in the door and make connections in the industry, thus laying the foundation for their future investments.
A Spending Spree: Private Equity Firms on a Roll
Once they had a taste, the investment firms were on a spending spree and started snapping up stakes in production entities or financing new vehicles. Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs’ Candle Media is just one example of a new venture funded by private equity focused on the buying and selling of media assets.
With an estimated budget of over $1 billion, this is just the beginning of the private equity firms’ foray into Hollywood.
Celebrities Are on Board With Private Equity Cash
Private equity firms are putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to Hollywood. Top-tier celebrity talents in the industry are on board with the private equity firms’ cash. These include such as Reese Witherspoon, Will Smith, and LeBron James.
These stars know that their financial backers have deep pockets and are willing to sell to the channel or streaming service willing to cut the best deal. By contrast, every entertainment conglomerate is increasingly creating films and TV shows primarily for their owned services.
Working With Brand-Name Talent Remains a Priority
Despite the focus on their owned services, the entertainment conglomerates still have the desire to work with brand-name talent or producers. This has ensured that firms like SpringHill and Hello Sunshine, owned by LeBron James and Reese Witherspoon, respectively, stay in demand.
Thus, these firms bring unique perspectives and casting to the table. Plus, their backing from private equity firms ensures they will be here for the long haul. While Hollywood has always been a high-stakes game, the entry of private equity firms is certainly changing things. With a newfound focus on buying and selling media assets, the formerly traditional Hollywood landscape is now a more complex web of players.
Plus, top-tier talent is on board with private equity firms’ cash, opening doors for further investment and creating a new power dynamic in the industry. This evolution opens up new opportunities for all involved. But it is sure to keep us all on the edge of our seats.