Investors have different strategies for making money, but they do agree that a steadfast strategy with some rules is always needed. If you jumped into investing with little knowledge of the market, you might have sold too early before the stock went up or too late after the price went down. If you don’t have any rules set up for investing, then the article will help you become a disciplined investor to ensure your success in this field. Let’s have a look at some effective financial tips from famous investors.
1. Dennis Gartman: Be patient
Dennis Garman began writing the Gartman Letter in 1987, which is about global capital markets, brokerage firms, mutual funds, and trading firms. Gartman is a successful trader and a financial analyst. He advises you to be patient when you wish to win trades but be even more patient when you lose trades! He added that it’s possible to make large successful trades even if we are right only 30% of the time, but our losses should be small, and profits should be more.
2. Warren Buffett: Do Your Research
Warren Buffett is considered one of the most successful investors in history. He is one of the richest men in the world but has also been the financial assistant to numerous leaders and presidents. His advice to the investors is to buy a wonderful company at a fair price instead of buying a fair company at a wonderful price. Buffett advises investors not to buy an average company as it would give average returns.
3. Bill Gross: Make The Idea Count
Bill Gross is a co-founder of PIMCO and manages its Total Return Fund. He always advises investors that if they like a particular stock, then they should invest 10% or so in it. Good investment ideas should be considered instead of ignored due to the possible risks involved. He encourages investors to take chances based on market research.
4. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal: Don’t Be Quick In Deciding
Alwaleed Bin Talal is well-known in the investing world. He has investments in Twitter and SNAP. Many of his investments failed during the great recession, but he remained patient. Prince Alwaleed advises other investors to be patient in bad times and to hold their stocks until the economic conditions are better again.
5. Carl Icahn: Never Take Investment Personally
Carl Icahn is a corporate raider who attempts to buy stocks to get shareholder value. One of his biggest rules is that you shouldn’t take anything personally when you are investing. He has made many enemies on his way to success, and in his experience, you should only trust your research-based instinct when it comes to investing.
Final Verdict
Investors can learn a lot from experienced individuals in the field. Each of the investors has come across a rocky road and achieved success. You should commit to these rules even if your mind asks you to act otherwise. This will allow you to do well in the market.